Buon Compleanno Kate Bush

festivalbar July 30, 2020
Buon Compleanno Kate Bush

Auguri a Kate Bush che oggi, 30 luglio, compie 62 anni. Con la sua voce straordinaria e particolare, vinse la quindicesima edizione del Festivalbar nel 1978 con il brano “Wuthering Heights”.
L’esordio fu un successo e il singolo conquistò il primo posto delle classifiche in quasi tutto il mondo.

Pare che la canzone fu scritta di getto in una notte, chiaramente ispirata al romanzo di Emily Brontë “Cime tempestose” in cui si narra la storia di Heathcliff e del suo amore per Catherine, un passione travolgente e distruttiva.
Kate Bush volle rappresentare nell’omonimo brano i sentimenti della protagonista – celebre è il ritornello “Heathcliff, it’s me, I’m Cathy, I’ve come home / I’m so cold / Let me in through your window”.

Oltre a “Wuthering Heights” ricordiamo altri successi, seppur di minore portata rispetto al singolo di esordio, di Kate Bush: “Hammer Horror” (1978), “Wow” (1979), “Them Heavy People” (1979), “Babooshka” (1980), “Sat In Your Lap” (1981) e “Running Up That Hill” (1985), brano poi ripreso da diverse band tra cui i Placebo.

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#repost @katebush_thecollection ・・・ Kate on the album The Sensual World🔥 “I find some of the tracks quite funny where other people say they find them scary. Although I have a dark sense of humour, maybe it is a subconscious thing that just goes into my music, because I think when I was writing this album that was perhaps something I was feeling a little – a sense of being a bit scared. Maybe it comes out in the music. I do think it's a very big self- therapy thing now – the more I work on an album the more I think it's almost a process for me to try and heal myself, have a look at myself. Actually a very selfish thing in a way, but I think art is. I do think what artistic people are trying to do is work through their problems through their art – look at themselves, confront all these things. To actually write the songs was very difficult, and for the first time really, I went through a patch where I just couldn't write – I didn't know what I wanted to say. I just didn't know what I wanted to say, everything seemed like rubbish. It seemed to have no meaning whatsoever. Somehow I managed to get a sense of some meaningfulness, and that's why earlier I said I think, to me now, albums are perhaps a way of helping myself, but maybe helping other people too. To work through my problems maybe will help other people too. To work through my problems maybe will help other people to work through their problems. Maybe the meaningfulness of art is that once you've got over your selfish work within it, you can give it to other people and hopefully it might at least make them smile or something.” (Roger Scott, Radio 1 Interview, 14 Oct 1989) photo Guido Harari #katebush #genius #thesensualworld #30thanniversary #thiswomanswork #art #healingpower #therapy #photographer #guidoharari

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Guido Harari – che dedicò anche una mostra all’artista nel 2017, “The Kate Inside. Classic and unseen photographs by Guido Harari, 1982-1993” – di lei disse: “Mi sono scoperto un fan sfegatato di Kate Bush fin dal primo momento in cui l’ho sentita cantare. Se ne intuiva all’istante l’originalità assoluta. Distante dalle mode del momento, dotata di un coraggio senza precedenti nell’inventare un proprio mondo e quel suo stile musicale così graffiante e viscerale. La sua era una musica esigente, che ti faceva rimettere in discussione qualunque comodo punto di riferimento, ed è così ancora oggi. Kate appariva chiaramente appartenere alla stessa classe di Laura Nyro, Janis Joplin, Joni Mitchell e Patti Smith. Donne alla ricerca di terre vergini. Pioniere con palle d’acciaio”. 
Potete ammirare qui le foto scattate da Harari a Kate Bush.

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